Helping the Community
Our righteous predecessors (may Allah be pleased with them) were keen to feed people and favored this act of worship over many others, whether it was for a hungry poor person or feeding a righteous Muslim.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Feed the hungry, visit the sick and set free the captives.” – Sahih Al-Bukhari
“(The righteous are those) who feed the poor, the orphan and the captive for the love of God, saying: ‘We feed you for the sake of God Alone; we seek from you neither reward nor thanks.'” – The Holy Quran, 76:8-9
In order to spread this blessing, Masjid Noor-UL-Haram is inviting you all to contribute to this great cause. The Maulana Shah Abdul Aleem Siddiqui RA food bank centre was instituted to assist the people in need within the community.
The following alimentary items are available for pick up :
Rice or Pasta
Canned Products
Dholl or Lentil
Please call the Masjid 905 257-1342 to pre-register and to schedule your pick up for the foods.
Distribution time : Saturdays only 11AM-12:30PM or for any emergency by appointment only